I've loved my time at Suborbital, and now I'm looking to grow in a new role. 🤗 Please give me a shout if you know any great orgs hiring for fully remote roles! I'm a Developer Advocate with a backg...
Developer Advocate at Suborbital Software Systems
Miscellaneous Mondays: Teach Jenn Tech and Laura's Loquacious Livestream talk branding https://youtu.be/ByrXQXHFj_Q
Folks frequently ask me what resources I like for learning various tech things, so I wrote it all down. https://blog.lauralangdon.io/some-of-my-favorite-tech-resources
Taught Python and general tech bits with Teach Jenn Tech https://youtu.be/qAi-_u71zys
Taught Python and had a great time with Teach Jenn Tech, as always! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ZxjZFIKBg
Taught Python and had a blast with Teach Jenn Tech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXnW8MNtKq4
Guested on Teach Jenn Tech, taught some beginner Python, and had tons of fun.