COVID-19 budget cuts impact UO librarians Story about COVID-19 budget cuts impact on the UO Libraries covered by the University of Oregon Daily Emerald. "According to the UO Librarians United websi...
"Academic Library Workers See Furloughs, Reduced Hours as Schools Anticipate Budget Cuts" Interviewed by Library Journal about the librarian labor crisis at the University of Oregon during Spring 2...
Launched "Talking Stories: Encyclopedia of Traditional Ecological Knowledge" with Dr. Michelle Scalise Sugiyama at the University of Oregon. At the University of Oregon between July and December 20...
Finished working on The McKenzie Holiday Farm Wildfire Stories Project where I taught students digital project management, how-to capture oral histories using Zoom, and how-to use ESRI StoryMaps to...
Book chapter "Teaching Copyright through Pop Culture for Public Scholarship-Based Instruction" accepted for Integrating Pop Culture into the Academic Library edited by Melissa E. Johnson, Thomas We...
Sustainability for Project-Based Collaborative Work: Leveraging Service Level Agreements and Virtual Teams In 2018, the University of Oregon (UO) Libraries embarked on a refresh of its collaborativ...
Owning Your Omeka: Teaching DIY Digital Scholarship through a Scaffolded Workshop Series In February 2019, UO Libraries opened the new UO Libraries Digital Research, Education And Media (DREAM) Lab...
Served as an Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant Reviewer
Finished developing an oral history transcription style guide with a library and information science graduate student for the Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association Oral History Project.
Started leading digital project management on the Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association Oral History Project. The project focuses on capturing the formation of the community organization's Board dati...
Finished up teaching Introduction to Digital Libraries at the University of Denver for the 4th time. Check out the digital collections on Omeka.net I taught my students how to develop digital colle...
Awarded the United Academics Strong Voice Award with Ann Shaffer and Elizabeth Petersen (UO Libraries) by United Academics of the University of Oregon. AAUP/AFT Local 3209, AFL-CIO Nomination Lette...
“Ancient Teachings, Modern Methods: Using Open Pedagogy to Disseminate Traditional Ecological Knowledge”. Open/Social/Digital Humanities Pedagogy Training and Mentorship,” a Virtual Conference of t...
“Subject and Functional Specialist Collaboration in the Remote Classroom”, 15th Annual Oregon Information Literacy Summit. (Online with: Andrew Wang, University of Oregon)
Launched the Library's Digital Assets Management Program at Oregon Health & Science University. Led digital platform selection, implementation, and service development for a university-wide digital...
"A New and Improved Oregon Digital”, Northwest Archivist Annual Meeting, May 2021 (Online: with Chris Petersen, Oregon State University)
Consulted with the The Pacific Northwest Just Futures Institute for Racial and Climate Justice on incorporating ethical digital humanities practices into their institute's data and research princip...
Started user research with Andrew W. Mellon User Experience graduate student fellow to enhance digital exhibit user interfaces.
"The Role of Service Managers in Redeveloping Oregon Digital," Upper Midwest Digital Collections Conference, November 2020. (Online: with Chris Petersen, Oregon State University)
Power & Respect: Giving Intellectual Property Rights Back to Vulnerable Communities, Visual Resources Association 2021 (Online Conference with: April Hathcock (NYU), Sriba Kwadjovie Quintana (SFMOM...
Started usability testing for the new version of Oregon Digital, a digital cultural heritage library jointly managed by Oregon State University Libraries & Press and the University of Oregon Libraies.
Established operational management procedures for the UO Libraries Digital Research, Education, and Media (DREAM) Lab with support from Digital Scholarship Services leadership and a UO Libraries gr...
Digital projects management consultant and coach for Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow, and manager of a Mellon graduate student researcher specializing in user experience. "Leveraging GLAM Assets in Res...
Interim Digital Project Manager at Oregon Health and Science University for Public Health in Oregon: Accessing Historical Data for Scientific Discovery, funded by the Library Services and Technolog...
Received an Institute for Museum and Library Services grant sub-award to evaluate the user experience of PlacePress, a location-based storytelling WordPress plugin created by Cleveland State Univer...
Started as a digital humanities project consultant. The Pacific Northwest Just Futures Institute for Racial and Climate Justice, a $4.52 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the sing...
Accepted book chapter. "Making File Names for Digital Exhibits" by Kate Thornhill and Gabriele Hayden. ACRL Data Literacy Cookbook, edited by Meryl Brodsky and Kelly Getz, American College and Rese...
Accepted book chapter, "Union Stewardship: A Space for Mid-Career Librarian Leadership" by Kate Thornhill, Elizabeth Peterson, and Ann Shaffer. Thriving as a Mid-Career Librarian: Identity, Advocac...
Forthcoming journal article, "Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project" by Alai Reyes-Santos, Ana-Maurine Lara, and Kate Thornhill. ...