Today me, my husband and his friend all went out for a nice fish lunch and a walk around the local marina and town in South Africa. I count my blessings that I am right here, right now in this moment. It wasn’t that long ago that my life looked so different. I was in a job serving others (that was the part I loved) but inside I felt dread most Sundays knowing I had work the next day. Knowing that I would be nose deep in work with little support from my manager. Even the thought of it used to make me procrastinate! I spent most weeks wishing the weekends would come more quickly so I could relax and push work and the drama to the back of my mind. I started to find that as each week that went by I would have less energy, less enthusiasm, procrastinate more and be in frequent bad moods. I felt trapped, disappointed with myself, wanting more but not knowing where to start because of how I felt in the inside. It took something tragic for me to have the lightbulb moment to know that I am; Worthy Capable Hard working I can change I am meant for more I knew in that moment, that I was the controller of my destiny I just needed to be; Brave Take a leap Focus on me Surround myself with positivity Take action I want to level with you, Each and every one you are capable of so much more. Your capable of getting what you want. You just need to say that it starts from now. If you are feeling stuck, not knowing where to start, but you know that you want and are meant for more then I want you to know I’m here for you. It starts with one message, to me, then we can put a plan together to move you forward to the life you truly want and deserve. And I want that for you because I’ve been there, not knowing which way to turn. I have helped many people to push past Procrastination and move towards power. Now they are much more aligned with themselves and the true purpose in life. Take a deep breathe, click below and book some complimentary time with me: #procrastination #procrastinationtoproductivity #settinggoals #selfconfidence