Started deep diving into JS So i wanted to get deep into js and learn all the ins and outs and these courses put everything into context. JS is still a little tricky sometimes but I feel that after...
Started Learning Web Assembly I've been interested in web assembly for some time now and they have a great course on it on front end masters if you have a subscription. https://frontendmasters.com/...
Got my blue belt in BJJ that's right ya boy is a mat warrior now
Started a startup (pun intended) Currently working an app with my brother in law using React Native, GraphQL, Node js and Postgres super fun project!
Started up my website/blog I wanted to make my own webpage because I also wanted my corner of the internet but its a big WIP. I'm currently getting strapi setup locally and start blogging but with ...
Launched yelp roulette I always wanted to kind of have a "roulette" to find out where to eat sometimes at work so i made it still a big WIP. https://yelproulette.com/ https://github.com/JustinTheeD...