
I made a list of goals. No particular order - Retire from IT when I'm 50 years old or over - Start creative writing again - Learn more about Cloud Computing - Create income from side projects I'm g...
My first day at new job at Retox Digital, base at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. I'll be working from home
New Blog Post Alert! In the past few months, I've been using Trello to organise my job-hunting. Trello is an useful tool to organise your job applications, interviews, your CVs and contacts. https:...
To celebrate my job offer, I visited Edinburgh to see an exhibition of Ray Harryhausen. Natural Gallery, Modern Two. Open until 20th February 2022.
Starting a new career in tech? If you're starting a career in tech, you can learn how to write code or css. It's also important to work on your soft skills mainly, communication and negotiation At ...
For almost a year (1st March 2002 to 1st March 2003), I developed my first website in PHP for University of Strathclyde, CAD Centre. It was an intranet website which held white papers from students...
I did a technical test for one of my interviews. The test was create a production ready website. The website would help you to save contact numbers for each customer. I completed it inside 12 hours...
Around this time, I took a career break. I needed it after caring for my Dad who had Motor Neurone Disease (MND). I was a full time carer and I was juggling tasks between carer and web developer. D...
I've accepted a job offer this morning. I was stunned when it came through. More details coming soon!