Hello Everyone!
I'm very glad to announce my latest adventure into the open-source world!
Close to 40 days ago, I met SurrealDB, a tool that I found too good to be real, indeed, surreal.
And as a lover of #elixir programming language, I tried to make some projects involving it in the language.
What I discovered at the time is that we had no official support for the language, and no community packages providing it (at that point).
So, I started my adventure of building an Elixir Driver for Surreal DB, because of two main ways:
- I wanted to make it possible and easier to communicate these two amazing tools (Elixir and Surreal).
- I want both communities to grow, as I really believe in their potential as well as their goals.
There went some nights developing it post-job, and here it goes: The first version was released 5 days ago, and the community already started to gather around it!
Also, I was really surprised when the official Surreal DB team took a look at the project and liked it! 😄
After all, here's the link to the repository, feel free to try it out, and leave any comments you want to.
Thank you all!