
Gave a workshop entitled "Do what matters to you in 2020" to students and staff in University College Dublin as part of the FEELING Better Project
Trained a small group of ISPCC Childline listening service trainees in active listening skills.
Conducted a large-scale service evaluation of an integrative addiction treatment setting and prepared a paper reporting my findings.
Developed policies, procedures, protocols, and guidelines on record keeping and data management for HSE Primary Care Psychology services in Dublin North West.
Gave a lecture on the Mindfulness-based Interventions (MBIs) MS.c. on the research evidence for MBIs and assessing methodological rigor.
Gave a lecture on the Mindfulness-based Interventions (MBIs) MS.c. on the research evidence for MBIs and assessing methodological rigor.
Gave a workshop entitled "FEELINGBetter: Self-caring when you are Zoomed out" as part of the FEELING Better Project
Invited speaker at ACBS Congresso Brazil Chatbot-delivered Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for stress in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Launched Escape Procrasti-nation YouTube series "Escape Procrasti-nation" is a six-episode web series written, produced, and edited by Alison Stapleton and Joseph Lavelle from the University Colleg...
Received the ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship 2021
Joint winner of the inaugural UCD School of Psychology Knowledge Exchange Award at the 2020 #GIFsFromYourGaff Conference
Received the ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship
Gave a workshop as part of the FEELING Better Project and in collaboration with the UCD Students' Union as part of the annual Mind, Body, and Soul Event
Invited speaker at the São Paulo School of Advanced Science in Mental Health and Evidence-Based Interventions How empirically oriented are the new behavior therapy technologies?
Gave a radio interview to Dublin City FM promoting the FEELING Better Project and sharing tips to unhook from difficult thoughts. https://buff.ly/2MYO8hJ
Gave a workshop entitled "Breaking free of your struggle with pink elephants (and difficult thoughts too)" as part of the FEELING Better Project
Founded the FEELING Better Project with Alison Stapleton, Varsha Eswara Murthy, Martin O'Conner, and Prof. Louise McHugh.