
My time at GoFundMe has come to an end and it’s time to move on. Taking a much needed week off before starting a new adventure.
Excited to join Amplitude today working on Design Systems and Front-end Tooling. It’s like this role was made just for me 😍
After a lot of discussions and iteration, we released v5 of Heart that includes a complete rewrite of our Button and Link components. So happy to make these components more usage agnostic and moved...
After a bit of a delay we released v4 of Heart. Things are a looking pretty stable so major updates should be more spread out going forward.
Back from our first in-person Webelos Woods since Covid hit. It got way too cold at night but was still a success and everyone had a great time. Lots of little lessons to remember when we start pla...
Completed Wood Badge training (BSA). Learned so much (still trying to absorb it all) and met lots of awesome people. Looking forward to giving back to my unit and the greater Council over the next ...
After a month on loan to another team I'm back to working on Heart, the Design System powering our web properties @GoFundMe.
Released v3 of Heart
Deployed our new logo across all our web properties. Design Systems FTW! GoFundMe.com
Are you a product designer that's ready to create some good in the world? Come work with me! https://boards.greenhouse.io/gofundme/jobs/3476222
Became Scoutmaster of Troop 975. Not sure I’m ready but I’m up for the challenge.
Hiked my first section of the PCT from Lake Morena to Burnt Rancheria with the Troop. Excited to complete more sections.
Joined PolyWork
Released v2 of Heart, making some progress!
Got sent home for Covid, hopefully this blows over...
Excited to launch the all new payment experience on GoFundMe!
🎉 Released the initial version of Heat, GoFundMe's official Design System
We launched a redesign (in testing phase) of the GoFundMe homepage. If all goes well we should be rolling out 100% of traffic in the new year.
Big task at the new job, update our icon system for consistency and clarity.
Launched the completely redesigned fundraiser page on GoFundMe
Big Jim showed me how to create my first web page.
Short 16 mile over nighter on the PCT through Warner Springs with Brian and his dad