Jan 2021 - Present
Jessi Shakarian
- @jessishakarian
- UX Designer, Accessibility Lead @ DIA
- Pasadena, California
- She/her
Jan 2021 - May 2021
UX Designer and Content Strategist, Self-Employeed
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Blink featured my UX Collective article about chess and user experience! https://twitter.com/blinkux/status/1452648403926663173?s=21
Cross-platform functionality is critical today. That all starts with information architecture. I wrote about my experience of trying to navigate a Halloween sale on Petco. Taxonomy is important! ht...
Hosted my weekly chess chat!
Thanks, @amyshackles for making a chess game in Mural! https://twitter.com/amyshackles/status/1413565098027675655?s=21
Cohosted the GitHub for UX talk with Grace Lau for our local UX group. https://lu.ma/sgvux27
Spoke at GitKon about using git to write my chess and design book.
Spoke at the Work4Chess conference about UX tips and questions that chess clubs and federations can use on their sites to navigate the influx of new players as clubs reopen.
Chicago Camps posted my talk about chess and usability from summer UX camp. https://vimeo.com/568236156
I was a cohost on Perpetual Chess, doing a book recap of Jose Raul Capablanca's chess classic, Chess Fundamentals. https://www.perpetualchesspod.com/new-blog/2021/10/1/xgtv6llg60ed70bh7o9tjvbg74jan6
Got to chat with Bekah and Dan about big energy and being more than your tech stack. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1558601/9322612?client_source=twitter_card&player_type=full_screen
On Premier Chess, talking about UX and chess! https://premierchess.buzzsprout.com/1700041/9248495-episode-wiht-174-jessi-shakarian-user-experience-designer-at-dia-design-guild
I was a guest on the Iowa Idea. We talked about design, chess, and nerded out over some awesome stuff! https://www.theiowaidea.com/2021/07/16/101-jessi-shakarian/