Dilyara Gabdreeva from Reddit has joined the Frontend Crew program committee. Now the team is in assembly, we're starting preparation for third season on Monday 🚀
Great news! My comrade Sergey Sova has joined the Frontend Crew program committee. The third season is going to be incredible!
I am pleased to announce that Artem Kuvaldin from Yandex has joined the Frontend Crew program committee. I'm sure we will make a great third season together!
Segey Sova and I have streamed live coding of creation Ball Sort game with EffectorJS in Russian. It's a first of our educational videos about EffectorJS. Stay tuned ☄️
I've streamed live coding of my pet-project Mostack on YouTube with my friend Alexander Khoroshikh in Russian.
The first season of Frontend Crew just ended. I worked there as a member of the program committee. It was my first time as a conference organizer and I love this feeling. The program committee is t...
I've just ended my work for Yandex.Doka. I wrote 8 articles about VCS, package managers, bundlers and static analysis. It was a great experience, I am glad that I worked in such a cool team.
I was involved in hiring process of Frontend Lead for Bitsgap. I interviewed 4 candidates and found the best one. It took only 3 days, it's the fastest hiring in my life.
I was helping Cindicator to hire a first Frontend Developer in their team. We had 8 tech interviews, and spend about two weeks on this vacancy.
Hello! I am Igor. I live in Thailand and make web platform for Aviasales 🤗
We start a preparation for the second season of Frontend Crew. Our main topics is "Architecture of frontend" and "UI-development". I hope, it'll be interesting for community.