
Started attending French A1.4 course at Alliance Française de Manille
It was a good learning experience and I'm glad I completed Tier 1.
200 day streak on @RealTryHackMe 🎉🎉
J'ai enfin terminé tous les modules ! Le prochain cours de français de niveau A1.4 commence en juin. À bientôt. 🎉
I submitted the Malware Report for the WiCyS Cyber Defense Challenge. This has been a good introduction to malware analysis and tools (REMnux, exiftool, yara, cyberchef and OLE file analysis -- ole...
Day 1 of Basic Chinese 3 🎉 My goal is to practice speaking (in general 😸).
Completed Network and Information Security program at Ateneo Center for Continuing Education
Started attending Network and Information Security program at Ateneo Center for Continuing Education
Started attending French A1.3 course at Alliance Française de Manille “La différence entre aller et venir: « ça va, ça vient » me rappelle aussi « c'est la vie ».”
J'ai réussi mon test de niveau ! Je vais continuer les cours de français A1.3. C'est parti ! 🥂
100 day streak on https://tryhackme.com/ 🎉 🎉
Completed January Pages Challenge on Story Graph! Currently reading: • The Software Architect Elevator: Redefining the Architect's Role in the Digital Enterprise by Gregor Hohpe • Sophie's World by...
Started attending French A1.2 course at Alliance Française de Manille
Failed to install DefectDojo test instance on a virtual machine.
Learning about Cybersecurity opens up new perspectives on software engineering and building resilient systems. https://tryhackme.com/room/adventofcyber3
Bonjour à tous ! Je m'appelle Christine et je viens des Philippines. J'habite à Manille. J'aime beaucoup apprendre différentes langues. Les cours de français sont intéressants et interactifs. J'ai ...
Started learning French at Alliance française de Manille
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw IO is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖