Hassan Yosuf
  • @hassan_yosuf
  • I'm a Data engineer Looking for opportunities in Software Engineer, & and Developer role based in Bengaluru - currently working at Quantiphi Analytics Pvt Ltd
  • Bengaluru

I am a Data Engineer with over 1.5 years of experience, currently working at Quantiphi. My expertise lies in the fields of Software Development and Engineering, and I am passionate about using technology to solve complex problems. Some of the badges I have selected showcase my skills and interests in these areas.

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Dec 2022 - Present

Data Engineer, Quantiphi

Aug 2022 - Dec 2022

Data Engineer Intern, Quantiphi

Jul 2021 - Aug 2021

Machine Learning Intern, IIT Kharagpur

Mar 2021 - May 2021

Java Developer Intern, Suven Consultants and Technology Pvt.Ltd.