Harmony Robison
  • @harmony_robison
Hey there! Glad you're here! I am Harmony, and I'm so happy to get the chance to tell you about myself. I am a self motivated lady, fueled by my desire to help people! I currently volunteer at Hope Center Indy, which homes and rehabilitates victims of sex trafficking and other life dominating issues, working in one of the many giving engines that help fund the program. I also make custom crafts, at an affordable price, for start up companies and businesses. I've worked in marketing, advertising, and brand ambassadorships for the last 10 years and have LOVED my time in the industry. Working to grow small and new businesses has become a strong passion of mine. I love watching people succeed in their dreams! I hope your on my profile because you are looking for your next partner because you found her 😉😁
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Dec 2022 - Present

Custom crafts designer , Self-employed

Custom Card Clips