Giselle C
- @gsllzrt
- Product Designer
- Brazil
- She/Her
View AllPhotography
Stop Fotográfico organized by Omicron, was a local event in Curitiba/Brazil, dedicated exclusively to photography. During a weekend, participants will live an intense experience, exchanging ideas a...
I started shooting with a cybershot camera when I was 15yo, so I pooled my savings and at 20 years old I bought my first DSLR camera. I worked independently and as a photography assistant, covering...
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Content event Attendee the organization for Run Content Show event, which featured a lecture given by the publicist André Alves, a specialist in Inbound Marketing, with over 12 years of experience ...
Listener at DiatipoX 2020, independent, online and free event at Twitch. Organized by Tony Demarco, Diego Maldonado, Mônica Rizolli and Henrique Nardi, with the participation of lectures with incre...
Another #trezotalk that happened, with our QA Engineer Rafael Camil, talking about financial education, emergency fund, economy, setting goals and thinking about investments. It was incredible cont...
Oktobercommerce highlights.
My 2021 Highlights
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DesignDay With the design team, presentations and provocations about our place as designers, which are a lot of ideas that I study and like to deep dive. Some inspirational quotes: "Designers do no...
I completed the "Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner" an IBM course with an approach focused on applying design thinking at speed and scale to modern business demands. Many valuable lessons to ...
Started my first IDP (Individual Development Plan) in life :) I still hadn't stopped to do this analysis of my timeline and see how much I could learn, make mistakes and grow in recent years. Some ...
Product Talk I participated as an online listener in the amazing talk event with Teresa Torres, internationally acclaimed author, speaker and coach, a reference in the digital market. It teaches a ...
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Festival Expancine My personal work has appeared in the local media with other amazing women! <3 "Designer and illustrato...
I started writing on Skoob, and I did over 50 reviews of the books I read. Although the web platform doesn't have as many updates as the app, I still use it to find good books to put on my list. I ...
I wrote the article "User's Journey and Emotional Design" for the blog of the company I worked for.
I received my specialization degree in Illustration, from Univali - University of Vale do Itajaí. I studied from 2015 to 2017, at the campus of Florianópolis/SC.
Side projects
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My first exchange program 🛫💱
Started sharing some old and ongoing gifs on my Giphy channel:
I did the cover and internal illustration of the academic magazine Paralelo. These artworks were part of the Undergraduate Journalism course from Universidade do Planalto Catarinense and had the pa...
I started a conversation with my friend Evelyn from Divina Flor, about a brand and product idea she had. Me in southern Brazil, in Santa Catarina and she in Cuiabá/Mato Grosso. I was able to help h...
Visual Design
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I participated in the backstage of Dental Cremer's institutional video.
Complete Gris game Released on December 13, 2018, for Nintendo Switch and PC, it is an independent game that speaks with metaphors and depth around feelings of loss, loneliness, sadness and the rec...
Delivered a web design for the CRXMC client consulting and business development. <div style="width:100%;height:0;padding-bottom:100%;position:relative;"><iframe src="
Web design and content marketing, in the real estate industry.
UI/UX Design
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Interaction Design Foundation
I learned a lot about how the dynamics of product development work in large companies and with incredible professionals. Knowing from the difference between marketing and product management, how to...
I started a self-taugh learning about user behaviour using Hotjar and Google Analytics to: • Compare taps and clicks before & after tweaks. • Understand the behavior of visitors when browsing the p...
I made a plan to organize documentation using the Notion. Objectives 📍Organize files for synchronization in projects with asynchronous communication. 📍 Track progress and planning tasks and surveys...