Akio Morita: Through Switzerland to the World ・ 盛田昭夫:スイスから世界へ

Little more than a decade after its foundation as Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (TTK) in Tokyo, a young and growing Japanese company in the post-war days made its move out into the world. Co-founder Akio Morita initiated the company renaming itself to Sony in 1958 to make it more recognizable to the international market. It was a time when the term Made in Japan was still widely seen as a mark of cheap and poor quality products rather than one of reliable technology. The latter however, was the kind of image Morita set out to achieve for Sony and Japan...


Published by: SJCC

Switzerland and Japan 1864-2014: 150 Years of Official Relations: Anniversary Yearbook 2014 ・ スイス・日本国交樹立150周年記念年鑑

May 02, 2014

SJCC Yearbook 2024 Editorial Outlook