Today at Yammayap we launched Spotaplot! 🚀🥳
Spotaplot analyses all residential plots of land in the UK to assess their viability for further development opportunities.
I'm incredibly proud of my work on this project which comprises of 3 main parts - a geospatial data processing engine, the public-facing web application and a marketing site. As the sole developer, I could write thousands of words about my work on it, but here's a very brief overview:
- Geospatial data processing and analysis with PostGIS
- Back-ends built on PHP with Laravel 8
- Front-ends built with Inertia.js, Vue.js, Alpine.js and TailwindCSS
- Working with big data (some datasets consist of hundreds of millions of rows) from Ordnance Survey, Land Registry, Environment Agency and other UK government agencies / official bodies
- Heavy integration with Mapbox GL JS for client side mapping
- PDF generation with Puppeteer and headless Chrome
- Stripe checkout integration for payments
- Integration with several other 3rd party APIs
- Hosted on AWS