Gabriel Bossenberry
  • @gabriel_bossenbe
  • Embrace the future today for a better tomorrow starts now
  • Floridas Spacecoast
  • Him
As a father knowing the truth which I would share with my children became a must, being able to stand up when right and all else seem push a lie in order to sabotage good in ones heart or of a situation. Caring for my mother and brothers from a rough up bringing battling addiction, finding forgiveness for mental health and over all wellbeing of the family taught me how to stand alone and go into battle no matter when or where gave me leadership skills that help me carry the truth of all matters important help my children succeed this far in life in this shady world. And crazy circumstances around every corner made me preapared for anything life throws my way making the most out of nothing or the worst became a skill. Following my faith/intuition and listening to the usefulness found in my music gave me an ability to find the beauty in the struggles we all face in life even in death. Seeking creative ways to get threw and seeing the little things we have to enjoy gave me an outlet with my camera from sunrise down each and every road well off into the night taught me the strength and importance of seeking ones purpose beyond the mere work schedule brought me to becoming a street photography while seeking to follow threw with any situation I was facing enjoying the journey along the way. The need for truth in today's age and half hearted culture made me a soldier to always stand on the Frontline for truth and knowledge hoping to share my wisdoms with thise who may be in need of direction during life's lows and finding the path forward and above all evils that plague this world we live in. I also have an internet sensation CRACKHEAD CRAWLING THREW THE SEWER SINGING AMAZING GRACE, which has over 10 million views and seen by many podcasts producer around the globe, I am Gabriel Bossenberry preaching what I practice and pushing love our ultimate super power in places where it is nonexistent. I look forward to bringing all people together by deeper understanding and knocking down any barriers that stand in the way for the greater good of man and a brighter future technologies have created the abilities for us to have.
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Nov 2020 - Present

Motivational Speaker/street photographer/poet , Self-employed