Guayaquil, EC Angular Training has started Today I've started a new Angular training. Basics are the best. A piece of advice for you: • Angular doesn't bite • Convention over configuration, I love ...
Guayaquil, EC My birthday present has arrived Bixlabs really knows how to win my heart. This print edition of Uncle Bob's Agile Software Development was delivered this afternoon in my place. About ...
Finally assembled!!!! Leisure time finished.
【本日14:00より開催!申込受付中!】 本日、Ruby biz Grand prix 2021 大賞企業様をお招きし「Rubyビジネスセミナー Online」を開催します。 https://twitter.com/rubyassociation/status/1499520599521378308
Guayaquil, EC My Bixlabs Dundies Award has arrived Look at this! I really enjoy reading this kind of books. I won the Bixlabs Dundies Awards Category Best Messages and my company sent me the "The 7...
#TIL that API security guidelines suggest you should return a JSON object instead of a JSON array. #ruby
#TIL You can use #send method inside a Rails controller to call a named route. This is useful when you are building a generic middleware router. ;)
Day 2 of MongoDB.live Although I missed Day 1, the second day was very interesting and there are a couple of features that gave me a lot of ideas. Mobile Development was amazing. Thank you Sumedha ...