Released a game
Participated in a game jam
Used C#
Used Unity3D
My submission for the Chain Letter Jam is out! Chains & Chars is a game where you swing around on hooks to collect coins. It is easy to learn but hard to master.

I learned a lot while working on Chains & Chars:
  • This was my first time using the Shapes vector library by Freya Holmér
  • It was a challenge navigating platform-specific bugs, as Unity does not officially support WebGL on mobile
  • I am particularly proud of my solution for picking the nearest pivot during gameplay. At the beginning of every level, I generate an n-d tree with positions of all the pivots. When the player clicks, the n-d tree quickly returns the closest pivot to the player. The bulk of the computation is already done before physics starts. This way the game can avoid potential slow-downs from brute forcing through many pivots.
There is more I want to learn and improve:
  • The tutorial animation is choppy and definitely can be implemented a better way
  • In watching my friends play, I learned they were unsure how to pass the levels. It was not obvious to read the background text in the levels. I think this can be improved with more tutorial animations at the beginning of the game.

Questions, critique, and suggestions are welcome!