Conducted usability testing
Created a user journey flow
Designed Product Feature Wireframes
User Journey Mapping
Created user personas
Designed user interface
Designed responsive website
Designed mobile app
Prototyped a Design
Designed a prototype
Created a website prototype
Conducted Product Usability Research
Designed Visual Assets
Created an affinity map
Created an empathy map
Wireframed an app
Sketched a wireframe
Presented competitive content audit & analysis
Conducted user interviews
Conducted user interviews
Worked design system
Built a Design System
Designed user interface
This last course was a huge challenge, because i had to finished it in a month , i had to go the extra mil (for real) to accomplish it on time. For this part of the cerftificate i had to design a responsive website and a dedicated mobile app about a social topic, and put on work what i learned from the last 6 coursers, overall with the short amount of time, i made it.