Created a user journey flow
Created user personas
Conducted usability testing
User Journey Mapping
Created an empathy map
Conducted user research
Created an affinity map
Designed responsive website
Designed mobile app
Designed Product Feature Wireframes
Designed Wireframes
Wireframed an app
Sketched a wireframe
Prototyped a Design
Evaluated a Feature Prototype
Designed a Product Concept Prototype
Designed a prototype
Created a website prototype
Tested a prototype
Conducted Product Usability Research
Planned Usability Testing
Iterated on a Design
Presented competitive content audit & analysis
Completed the Google UX Design Professional Certificate
Designed user interface
Here´s my last project of the UX design professional certificate from Google, even though i had a month to conclude it, i made it. This project was about a reponsive website and a dedicated mobile app for users to start learning about climate change impact.  After having research done, some insights were that some users are actually interested in this topic due to what we are living, but some sites or apps are for people who already know or are invested in it, so the product i created was for people who doesn´t know anything but want to start learning in an easy way to eventually contribute to the world. I still have to make some iterations and a couple of usability study but for now this is what i have.

 If you want to review the whole project, here´s the link to acces it.