Conducted usability testing
Created a user journey flow
Created user personas
User Journey Mapping
Conducted user research
Designed an icon
Wrote user stories
Created an empathy map
Created an affinity map
Presented competitive content audit & analysis
Designed a user interface
Usability study
Designed Product Feature Wireframes
Designed Wireframes
Created low fidelity wireframes
Designed responsive website
Designed user interface
It took me forever to finishing this course, even though i still need to make iterations and conduct a second usability study on the visual design look. This course was about creating a reponsive website, also it was pretty extensive because i had to put on practice what i learned from the last 5 courses, so it was a lot of work to be done but overall i´m ok with the process i made and the result I've gotten so far.  There´s only one more step to finish this profesional certificate and i can´t wait to see what the last course will be about.