Created user personas
Created a user journey flow
Conducted usability testing
Conducted user research
User Journey Mapping
Wrote user stories
Tested a User Experience
Created an empathy map
Designed Product Feature Wireframes
Sketched a wireframe
Created an affinity map
Presented competitive content audit & analysis
Wrote a user research brief
Planned Usability Testing
Designed responsive website
Designed a prototype
Designed an Interactive Prototype
Created a website prototype
Tested a prototype
Designed Visual Assets
Visual Design
Studied Interaction Design
Built a Design System
Designed user interface
Here´s my second project i worked on this last course, my role was from scratching the idea to delivery.  To develop solutions for this responsive website i interviewed some people to understand their needs. Some of the insights revealed from that research were that here in town there´s only one theater for premiere movies. The other closest ones are actually quite far from there, around 1 or two hourse away, even there there´s only a place to watch retro movies but it´s an auto theater and it doesn´t have a website to order in advance.  That´s why my solution came to life, if you want to review it fully, here´s the link to check it out.