tl;dr - food enthusiast, casual gamer and philomath
About Me I'm really good at killing houseplants, and I'm really bad at FPS games. In my spare time, I like go to reformer pilates and cosplay as someone who has their life together
Boring Work Stuff I've specialise in creating strategies through a consumer-driven, data-informed lens. In another life, I was a quality manager for food manufacturers before realising that my passion lies in talking to people. and solving problems.
Industries I've worked in: FMCG, professional services (startup accelerator), agriculture, manufacturing and software
Education Bachelor of Agriculture (Sus. Production, setting the fire alarm off while trying to create biochar in a microwave was a highlight) Master of Food Science (did my thesis on sonicating beer, slide into my DMs if you'd like to learn more)
Currently doing an MBA because the pandemic induced a belated quarter-life crisis, hoping to transition into a career involving strategy, innovation and the facilitation of effective change with a sprinkle of people ops for variety