Wrote a New API
Cloudflare worker
Yesteday I watched Ben Awad's coding interview with Dan Abramov. The last challenge they were working on was a find the rabbit brain teaser. After they finished, both of them agreed such interview questions are frustrating because it's not a problem you would ever encounter in software development. I agree, that's why we do interviews differently at Zyro.

But I had to prove them wrong – there are such problems in the real world! 😳 I built an API where the correct URL changes on every request. Here's the deal

There are 100 routes - from /0 to /99. Only one of them will respond with a rabbit. Every time you make a request, the rabbit jumps to adjecent route. For example, if the rabbit is currently on route /20, you make a request to /68, the rabbit will jump to either /19 or /21.

Can you catch the rabbit? 🐰