Became a part of Pulse team in VK! 🎉🎉🎉
Rebuilt Webgrower.ru with new stack - Ghost.js, Cloudinary and Nuxt.js. The whole thing about this project is that it uses Ghost.js as headless cms, which is installed locally and works fine withou...
Made Wordpress project about renting and selling yachts in Sochi.
While I was travelling by train to Karelia, I made simple blog theme for Gatsby. It was quick and fun coding.
New WIP - my personal site and developer blog, built with Nuxt.js, Tailwind CSS. It has dark/light mode already.
Started another iteration of my oldest project - WebGrower. It was the place, where I store useful links and resources to create web sites. Built with Gatsby.js.
Participated in project dedicated to COVID-19. This project is about what to do while pandemic is still on, contains useful resources and links to follow. Whole project is built on React.
Created first version of my personal site, built with Gatsby.js. This is the date, when I understand how powerful Gatsby.js is) My theme was built with Bulma and was made multilingual. Also it has ...
Made this project for Mail.ru Media Production about what will be out future after the pandemic is other. Site is fully made on GatsbyJs, awesome static site generator, which I love to develop with...
Created repo with Docker containers with Nuxt and Wordpress. Developed several side projects with this stack. You can also contribute to this project here.
Started to work in Mail.ru as front-end engineer in Mediaprojects. Learned and contributed to internal techs such as fest, cpf, toolkit etc. Participating in transfering projects to React-Python st...