Reviewed a book
Mental models
"The quality of your thinking depends on the models in your head"

Book 48: This weeks book was 'The Great Mental Models Vol3- Systems and Mathematics'. The previous two books I had read earlier in the year.

💭 'General Thinking Concepts Vol1'
🔬 'Physics, Chemistry and Biology Vol2'

I would also recommend following Shane Parish & Farnam Street's podcast and newsletter.

Here are 10 mental models I find useful:

🌍 The map is not the territory: All models are wrong but some are useful.

⚓️ First Principles Thinking. 

💡Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex.

💨 Intertia: Nothing happens until something moves. 

🧘🏻‍♂️Tendency to minimize energy output (Mental and Physical).

♻️ Feedback Loops: Listen and be aware of positive and negative feedback loops. 

🚧 Margin of safety: Expect the unexpected.

📝 Irreducibility: As simple as possible but no simpler.

🕰 Compounding: Play the long game.

🤹🏻‍♀️ Randomness: Predictability is often an illusion.

What book are you reading this week?