Updated the courses on my site to include appropriate sections from the youtube video. This will help everybody to follow the tutorial in multiple steps where they can mark those steps as done to m...
Angular Cookbook received so much love 😍 I'm really happy to announce that we've managed to gain 4.4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating on Amazon. This is AWESOME! We also managed to sell more than 500 copies of the ...
Insanely helpful sites for developers part 4 #helpfulwebsites #codewithahsan Github.com https://youtu.be/ALsLcRUYwqQ
I was interviewed by Appforshare.io and I answered some really interesting questions asked by them. Especially about Open Source contribution, my challenges being a Frontend Engineer in the early d...
Created a YouTube short highlighting a helpful site for developers. https://youtu.be/L99cHVzkcFY The site is called carbon.now.sh where you can paste your code and generate a PNG image or an SVG. O...
Created a YouTube short highlighting a helpful site for developers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqaNK7KNo3U&feature=youtu.be The site is called remove.bg where you can upload any image and remo...
Created a YouTube short highlighting a helpful site for developers. https://youtu.be/8610RnD3B9M The site is called wweb.dev and it can be used to create cool looking CSS Separators #codewithahsan ...
Uploaded this youtube short from my recent live stream. Explaining how the Frontend <> Backend <> Database works in general! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fadWDJhupw
Streamed on twitch about JavaScript, Career / Job QnA, did a reflection on the Flasback game and played with the community. Answered a lot of questions. https://twitch.tv/codewithahsan Game: https:...
Submitted my entry for the MongoDB Atlas hackathon!! Built it myself in about 20h. It is a memory-based game called Flashback. I used MongoDB Atlas Database for storing the games, the scores and th...
Updated my site https://codewithahsan.dev to contain my bio. Finalized it with the minimal set of information to provide as I'm usually asked by communities/conference organizers to provide it. Als...
I started working on this 2048 game variant with Angular, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. Looks GREAT so far!!! 😍😍 Check it out here https://code-with-ahsan.github.io/ng-2048/ Going to be creating a ...