Completed my first Serverless Framework Bootcamp: Node.js, AWS & Microservices . Learned how to develop reliable and scalable Serverless applications, following the microservices architecture. Lear...
Build a Netflix Trailer Application as a part of ZTM Udemy course. Used Next Js, Hasura GraphQL, Magic Link to build this Application. The App allows users to login via Passwordless Authentication ...
Completed a udemy course : Understanding TypeScript. Learned about more advanced Features and also how to set up workflows with TypeScript. This includes a TypeScript only workflow as well as a Web...
Create a markdown blog with Next.js and Tailwind.css. Do Visit : https://codeblog-hazel.vercel.app/
Wrote an article on Critical Rendering Path i.e the process of steps browser follows to convert HTML,CSS and JavaScript to actual pixels on the screen . Article Link : https://coderedjack.hashnode....