Hosted a podcast

S02 E12: Get Set To Thrive with Lola Brocklesby

This week, we have Lola Brocklesby - Career Coach

Lola works with mid-career professionals who are great at what they do but have reached a point in their career where they no longer enjoy what they’re doing and are ready to find a career with passion and purpose.

By creating a stand out CV and LinkedIn profile, a tailored job search strategy that’s more than just scrolling through job adverts and interview coaching that will help you sell yourself with confidence, you’ll have all the tools to land that job!

Join hosts Shreyas and Michele as Lola answers:

1. Who she helps and what problem do they have?  

2. How does she help people find their dream job?  

3. Illustrate her coaching methodology through a client example

4. What advice she has for someone who is maybe stuck in a job that they hate but is worried about making a move?

and shares many other valuable tips!!

With a Fist Bump,

Shreyas and Michele