Hosted a podcast

S02 E07: Get Set To Thrive with Kathleen Kauth

Kathleen's strength lies in helping people untangle and understand conflicts, whether business or personal, so they can make decisions and enhance communication. 

Kathleen teaches the skills needed for each person to be able to become self-sufficient at conflict resolution. Her goal is to enable people work out of a job because they have mastered the conflict resolution skills Kathleen has taught.

Specialties: Corporate / organizational mediation, conflict coaching, eldercare mediation

Join hosts Shreyas and Michele as Kathleen answers:

1) What is mediation - both organizational and eldercare?

2) What are the differences between organizational and eldercare mediation 

3) What is conflict coaching? 

4) Why businesses may need conflict coaching or mediation?

and shares many other valuable tips!!

With a Fist Bump,

Shreyas and Michele