
I wrote an article on using CSS gradients. There are various options you can use to change the look of gradients I explore a few of them. https://dev.to/jarvisscript/css-color-gradients-258n
Built a linktree clone following Danny Thompson YouTube tutorial. The project used CSS and HTML. Once done I took what I learned and added a linear gradient to my portfolio site. I adjusted the gra...
I used CSS to recreate a Star Wars Ugly Sweater. I started a series of CSS art last year. I wanted to see if I could make Ugly sweaters with code. https://dev.to/jarvisscript/ugly-sweater-css-the-i...
Wrote about the documentation that I wrote for open source projects during Hacktoberfest. I had five pull requests accepted over 3 organizations. https://dev.to/jarvisscript/hacktoberfest-review-18jh
Created some CSS art work for Halloween. This is part of a series of CSS art I did for the season. https://dev.to/jarvisscript/css-halloween-haunted-house-party-2fo9
I recreated the Among Us Crew using CSS and HTML. I blogged about it on DEV. https://dev.to/jarvisscript/css-halloween-the-code-is-sus-3of
Blog Post: Wrote Documentation with Ayu on how to get the most out of Virtual Coffee. The guide highlighting important areas of Virtual Coffee. We will expand on it, there's more to VC. Also it was...
Whose Line Online: A python app to allow audience members to give suggestions to a remote improv actors. Live shows were cancelled so the actors started streaming. This app allows them to take audi...