DSA Scrabble Keycaps

Designed keycaps
Released a product
After launching XDA Scrabble more than 4 years ago now, and working on the new iteration for over a year, DSA Scrabble is here (https://www.clackeys.com/scrabble) and open for pre-orders!

We've got an updated font and colors to match the board game branding more precisely, desk mats in a couple colors, metal artisans, and a Scrabble bag kit so you can play your favorite word game with your favorite pieces of plastic.

I first designed these caps nearly 5 years ago now, and being able to get this back out there for a V2 is a dream!

Clackeys has been a pleasure to work with, and the quality assurance on the keycaps has been great to see (these are produced by IFK and are dyesub, and went through multiple rounds of testing). The base kit should cover most boards you'll want to use (including ortho), the legends are crisp, and the colors are vibrant! All of the images you see in the product pages are actual photos, not renders.

Pre-orders are open through December 15th!
