Release of 'My Titles' MVP
Keep track of what matters.
Keep track of what matters.
Get an instant view of activity on your latest releases or have complete visibility of all your titles - what’s protected and what’s coming up.
Piracy not only erodes revenue but managing it can take up time you could rather be focusing on more important job of creating, selling or distributing. Protecting multiple titles at different dates for different windows of time can be a massive headache to set up and keep track of.
My Titles gives you a simple snapshot of your titles, and flags if anything needs attention - be it a leak on a new release or if a protection window is about to end. It cuts down admin time and frees you up for other jobs. You can access your data for reporting even if nothing is protected.
We rolled out the MVP of My Titles to select Film and TV customers. So far we've received some great feedback such as:
"I LOVE this dashboard change!"
Marco, Good Deed Entertainment
"I love the simplicity of it. I have all the information I need in seconds."
Julian, Ingenious
I've run 5 Product onboarding sessions with our select customers to ensure they understand the new product and how to get the most from it. Our next step will be to iterate on some of the feedback we've received and start rolling it out to the remainder of our Film/TV customers.
"I LOVE this dashboard change!"
Marco, Good Deed Entertainment
"I love the simplicity of it. I have all the information I need in seconds."
Julian, Ingenious
I've run 5 Product onboarding sessions with our select customers to ensure they understand the new product and how to get the most from it. Our next step will be to iterate on some of the feedback we've received and start rolling it out to the remainder of our Film/TV customers.