One of my favorite CM talks that relates folklore, including our life experiences, power relationships, culture, boundaries, mysticism and spirituality. Thank you Sandra Antongiorgi (@santongiorgi) for sharing your inspiring stories!
Sandra spoke on the theme of “Folklore” and shared how her art and music are rooted in the spirituality and folklore of her Puerto Rican culture. Above all, Sandra emphasized the importance of creating art that reflects the community members that live in the neighborhoods of Chicago, particularly individuals of color, as a way to resist oppression, uplift cultures, and preserve history.
Sandra spoke on the theme of “Folklore” and shared how her art and music are rooted in the spirituality and folklore of her Puerto Rican culture. Above all, Sandra emphasized the importance of creating art that reflects the community members that live in the neighborhoods of Chicago, particularly individuals of color, as a way to resist oppression, uplift cultures, and preserve history.
Thank you Sandra for being such an inspiration to our Chicago community!