Is there any opportunity to make money on polywork?

Sparked change

After asking myself this question many times, I put it to the test: ”Can I make extra income on polywork?

The answer I found was no, at least, not just yet…

It seems their business model is set up to enable success for entrepreneurs, hustlers, and humans alike.

YOUR time is valuable.

OUR time is valuable.



So how can I monetize the work I put into polywork?

Why do I end up with only opportunities to volunteer my time?

…Especially when I didn’t list volunteer work as my specialty. 😤

What we have to offer is priceless

Don’t sugar coat


& I bet I am not the only one questioning this with my personal agenda at the forefront of my angle.

It wouldn’t hurt to start by asking polywork to change the verbiage from “collaborate” to “donate $.50, $1.00, $5.00 etc… for so and so’s help”

There is always a solution & there is always a better way.

Don’t hope for change 😉

SAY SOMETHING. Express yourself and your voice will be heard. Who cares if it ends up being the unpopular opinion?

Your words & your efforts can transform the ordinary into something extraordinary.
