The content-first approach is one of the most influential philosophical perspectives on the web design process. First promoted (in the area of online design) by A List Apart creator Jeff Zeldman back in 2008, the content-first approach asserts that, in order to construct the best design for any particular project, you must first understand what the content is.
Doesn’t it make sense, though? After all, an editorial designer doesn’t begin laying out a book before the book has even been finished writing. And an architect does not begin developing plans for a project until he or she has determined what the structure will be used for. The form must always come before function in both of these professions, and for the majority of websites, the function is delivered through content.
For example, a marketing website may persuade consumers to use a product or service by using persuasive content and graphics that clearly demonstrate what the product or service is and who it is intended for. A restaurant website attracts customers by offering information about the cooking method, the varieties of cuisine served, and the location of the establishment. Product information and purchase options are available through e-commerce retailers.