One of the things that I deeply believe is that all research has a cost — to you, your participants, your team, and your organization — and you want to do research that is worth the cost for all parties.
In that vein, the team at Maze recognized how much time is spent (and often wasted) rewriting and recreating the same research instruments in different organizations. This Question Bank is our attempt to provide a resource to the community that helps you spend more of your time on areas where you provide unique value and less time rebuilding things that already exist.
You can find it on Product Hunt.
In that vein, the team at Maze recognized how much time is spent (and often wasted) rewriting and recreating the same research instruments in different organizations. This Question Bank is our attempt to provide a resource to the community that helps you spend more of your time on areas where you provide unique value and less time rebuilding things that already exist.
You can find it on Product Hunt.