If you’re wondering how long each video takes, the answer is 2 weeks of part time work! Finally after a delay of 1 week the Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions video is out!
As usual, we start with the fundamentals and ramp up to discuss 1 method to setup your continuous deployment pipelines. We also discuss the different variables that will affect your design decisions and the trade-offs you have to make.
I’m not going to spill all the beans, but if you’ve never implemented a CD pipeline before, there’s no better time than now and this episode is a good start!!
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:47 - Fundamentals (Branching strategy & CD)
00:08:08 - Branching strategies (GitHub Flow vs Git Flow)
00:20:15 - CD Demo
00:42:29 - On-demand staging instances
01:02:58 - GitHub Secrets
01:04:20 - CD workflow
01:06:57 - Environments
01:13:09 - Deployments history view
01:14:08 - Workflow badges
01:14:51 - Conclusion