
Teaching Assistant for the Design Perspectives and Processes course at IIIT Delhi, taught by Dr. Indrani De Parker.
Published Reflections from my first internship
Core Member Developer Student Clubs Developer Student Clubs are community groups for developers in universities. DSC members host peer-to-peer learning events, spread awareness about technologies, ...
Undergraduate Student Researcher at HMI Lab Worked on a web application for training parents of autistic children. The web application provided features for adding and assigning lesson plans for th...
Technical Writer Wrote technical articles at OpenGenus.
Undergraduate Student Currently pursuing B.Tech. in Computer Science and Design. Link to college website
Tempus | Case Study Worked on the design of an ML-optimized time planner that plans and manages user processes. The design process included qualitative and quantitative research, competitive analys...
Color Switch Game Implemented Color Switch game using JavaFX in a group of 2. I integrated IO Streams and Exception Handling on the project, which helped in input-output operations and handling une...
Teacher Training App | Effective Teaching Communities Worked on the design of service for continuous professional development and community-based training for school teachers. The design process in...
Neural Art Worked on a web application that uses a neural network algorithm to recast the content of one image in the style of another image using the Neural Style Transfer algorithm. Worked in a g...
Women Techmakers Engineering Fellow Selected for a two-year professional development program among 126 girls from 15000 applicants across India. The program is designed by TalentSprint, supported b...
Computer Organization Projects Built command-line interfaces in Python. Worked on these projects as part of my Computer Organization course at IIIT Delhi. Link to GitHub repositories: • cache imple...