Formie is a simple Discord Bot to manage your Applications in Discord over very simple and user-friendly Slash Commands/Labels! Please note that his project is still in development and that we're c...
You may have heard about discord.boats closing down. This is sad since I had put lots of time on moderating this project, based on my most recent data, over 700 bots were tested by me, and more tha...
We a have just launched a new update as promised which contains our newest addition to Phase 2 of Dasu v2. With the advancement of Dasu, we had to figure out a way for you guys to be able to quickl...
We are happy to announce that a large FLEET of bugs have been addressed on our latest deployment a few hours ago. You are a GO to add our beta verified discord application dasu.gg/beta Then, yoou a...
Wrote code for https://packs.emojis.fun/, just a small preview of the packs that, Thunder support.
Wrote code for https://dbl.tsitman.com, a tool for discord bot-list Moderators that verifying bots, Enjoy!
Full rewrite of the discord APP, Thunder, to discord.js v13.1 https://emojis.fun