~ 4-month old bear puppy update. Follow her journey on Instagram @coconut_bearpuppy.
San Diego trip with friends for 4th of July weekend. Took a lot of photos on my camera, but have not exported them yet. Here are some photos I shot on my phone.
First time since quarantine, I went out and shot some photos on film. Here are some of the results. More on Instagram.
First time in nature since quarantine. Went hiking around a park and photographed a lot of nature and landscape on film (that has not been developed yet), so here are some photos I took on my phone.
Adopted a fluffy 10-week old labrador mix puppy from a volunteer rescue network. Named her Coconut because she is brown on the outside and white on the inside (aka her chest). Follow her journey on...
Graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Finished my last semester in the middle of quarantine, so the day and night photos of our famous pointy building are a...