
Yay, we're hiring! Want to join us? I'm currently recruiting for the following positions: • Junior, Management and Senior Consultants - based in Germany or Austria (m/f/d) specialized or interested...
Workshop for Health Awareness and Well-Being I am currently organizing an internal workshop on the topic of health awareness and well-being in our company together with a small project team consist...
Introduction of short-time work during the pandemic In March 2020, my company decided to introduce short-time work as a result of the Corona crisis. Fortunately, we were only on it for 3 months and...
New time tracking system In November 2020, I introduced a new time tracking system for our Austrian colleagues and provided them with a complete video tutorial to help them track their working hour...
New Learning & Development Tool In May 2020, I presented an MVP for a learning & development tool in our ScrumMaster circle, integrated their feedback together with a colleague from IT, and then ro...
Blog post: HR remote - Human Resources at a distance during the pandemic (German) The 1st Lockdown was called on March 16, 2021 in my home country Austria and already 10 days later I had experience...
In July 2017, I graduated with a Master's degree in International Business Relations from the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland. The program had a focus on the Central and Eastern European ...
In July 2015, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree from Vienna University of Economics and Business. My specializations: Marketing Management, Export Management and Austrian Labor Law. As the first...
Guest column: When the team itself decides on short-time work (German) In our guest column in the HR Journal, my colleague Kristina Uhl and I tell you how we live self-organization despite the cris...
Blog post: Agile Recruiting at borisgloger consulting (German) In my new blog post, I'll take you on a journey through our agile recruiting process and show you what a key role the team plays in it...
Interview: Ways out of the crisis: How agility and team decisions help (German) In an interview with karriere.at GmbH, my colleagues Ssonja Peter, Ellen Thonfeld, Stefan Nagel and I give an insight...
Blog post: Monetary incentive systems: 7 theses on agile target agreements (German) My colleague Christoph Schmiedinger and I have been thinking about what modernized incentive systems and more agi...
Book Chapter: Using agile methods in HR management - illustrated by the example of agile recruiting at borisgloger consulting (German) I'm so excited!!! The 2nd edition of the book "Digital HR", wh...
Who would have thought that I would actually be one of the early adopters of a professional social network? :D I already like Polywork very much. You can show what interests, skills and project exp...