Configured equipment

Hello everyone!ย 

Today, I've received my new computer, and that means just one thing: doing the task I hate the most, start configuring it.ย 

Once I create the account and have the system running starts the tedious process of getting all the programs that I like for developing. All this work can be motivated by different ways as a company change, a computer update, or computer destruction. In the last two years, I had to re-do it several times. So here are my basics:

  • ๐Ÿ‚ Chrome and Mozilla - I cannot be a Salesforce (cloud) developer without them. Sounds pretty obvious.
  • ๐Ÿค“ SFDX Cli - for the terminal, while developing.
  • ๐Ÿ’ป Visual Studio Code
    • Salesforce Extension Pack - Nothing to add.
    • Salesforce Query Editor - It is nice having all the functionality of the Query Editor Tab of the Salesforce console in my IDE.
    • Apex PMD - For creating the optimum code.
  • ๐Ÿ“ž Postman - For testing API calls (mine and thirds).
  • ๐Ÿ“ Notepad++ - For taking notes, also with a JSON extension for formatting.
  • ๐Ÿงท Office - Even though those activities can be done with other programs, these are the ones I feel more comfortable with.
    • Excel, for data comparison.
    • Word, redact formal documentation.
    • Powerpoint, creating presentations.
  • โฏ Spotify - Some days, I need some music to focus on.

These used to form my starter Salesforce developer kit, but I'll give it a chance to Atom instead of using Notepad++ because of the Git connection.

Would you recommend something extra?

Have a nice day!