My 2021 Highlights
Side gig ish: audited and proofread a Creative Operations proposal for a former manager. She is doing BIG things, and I'm thrilled to help her along the way.
DELIVERED the NPR radio spot creative. 🙌🏻 Just about a 2 week turnaround - aint bad, aint bad.
Onboarded a whole suite of proofreaders! In the words of Lightning McQueen "KA-CHOW!" #ResourceManagement #CreativeResourceManagement
Coordinated event creative for internal Sales, Marketing, & Customer Experience annual kickoff (300+ attendees). This was the first time Rosetta Stone held this annual event fully virtual, and afte...
Simplified the creative intake process for our global Marketing Stakeholders. Reminder that good process should enable your Creative team to spend more time making beautiful stuff, and less time fi...