Studying for AWS DevOps Professional cert.
Starting Seeking SRE by David Blank-Edelman.
Started a dev/tech themed book club. First up Designing Data Intensive Applications! We meet every week on Mondays to go over reading materials. After making it through this beast we switched to re...
Started an internal security community of practice at Rangle.io We had fun presentations (Our Jeopardy style security game was so fun!), ran ethical hacking workshops internally, and helped raise t...
Another year another round of mentoring with Code4Canada! This year's mentee is working with the Energy Board and learning valuable lessons in making nice with your IT team! :D
Writing Powershell scripts and using Terraform templates to verify custom security policies behave as expected across subscriptions and resources in Azure.
Joining Slalom _build on the Cloud/DevOps/Security team! :kermit-yay-emoji-here:
Reliability, Scalability and Maintainability. We've all heard these terms. Now explain them in 100 words or less in an interview! I wanted to do a deep dive into what these terms really mean and ho...
Helped run through some of the candidates for the next cohort with Code4Canada. Ran through a series of tasks with each person and evaluated how flexible they were, their general skill level and su...
Was my pleasure to again assist a developer in the 4th cohort for Code4Canada this year! Met with them throughout their program and assisted in their experience with public service. Lots of managin...
I wanted to get some technical reading done this year and what better way of doing that that with a supportive group? So I tapped my community and put together this weekly group! I organise and adm...
Worked with a developer in Cohort 3 for Code4Canada to help them in their adventure through Public Service life! Assisted with answering questions about government culture, connected them to people...