12 Days of Contentful
❓ Latitude vs Longitude
Started helping out at codebar. https://codebar.io/
Hello Polywork!
It’s the 2018 Christmas break. Dan Abramov, a respected engineer in the web community, wrote a blog post that I loved. The title was "Things I don't know as of 2018" The idea was “we can admit our ...
Introducing: ✨ Snippets ✨ It’s a new section on my website for random bits of code that don’t require a full-on tutorial. Keeping up with the “whimsical” vibe of the site, I had a lot of fun buildi...
A friend asked me over the weekend: “What’s wrong with WhatsApp?” If messages are encrypted, what’s the big deal? The answer is part of a larger problem. Metadata. So, I wrote something up to expla...
I wrote about "second brains." A concept brought forward by a suite of new-fangled apps like Roam and Obsidian. https://alvin.codes/writing/second-brains-personal-knowledge