#100daysofcode Day 40
Today, I worked on Component lifeCycles and when and how they are used. Also, how they precede each other. Hence, Constructor() precedes static getDerivedStateFromProps() and so does render() precede componentDidMount() in Mounting lifeCycle. Learned along with other lifeCycles: Updating, Unmounting, and Error Handling.
Also saw the essence of React fragments, React memos, and refs. finally, comparing pure components(which adopts shouldComponentUpdate()) with random components, It's a lot for a day.
const reachedWeeklyTarget = false;
reachedWeeklyTarget ? "Enjoy your weekend" : "You should complete it this weekend" 😩😩😩
Today, I worked on Component lifeCycles and when and how they are used. Also, how they precede each other. Hence, Constructor() precedes static getDerivedStateFromProps() and so does render() precede componentDidMount() in Mounting lifeCycle. Learned along with other lifeCycles: Updating, Unmounting, and Error Handling.
Also saw the essence of React fragments, React memos, and refs. finally, comparing pure components(which adopts shouldComponentUpdate()) with random components, It's a lot for a day.
const reachedWeeklyTarget = false;
reachedWeeklyTarget ? "Enjoy your weekend" : "You should complete it this weekend" 😩😩😩