Week 2 was all about HTML and CSS with a demonstrative amount of Javascript as well. The mantra was 'HTML is the content, CSS determines how it will look and Javascript controls its behaviour'.
At the time I really struggled with CSS. It felt like perpetual trial and error to get something to go where it should. It took me until after graduation to get a better grasp of modern techniques such as Grid and Flex.
We did learn jQuery and that I really enjoyed. It seemed to enhance what vanilla JS was already offering and it could allow you to do more with HTML with less code.
At the time I really struggled with CSS. It felt like perpetual trial and error to get something to go where it should. It took me until after graduation to get a better grasp of modern techniques such as Grid and Flex.
We did learn jQuery and that I really enjoyed. It seemed to enhance what vanilla JS was already offering and it could allow you to do more with HTML with less code.