
Working at Foxtrot really is fun! https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ9Bcb5neFM/?utm_medium=copy_link
My first blog post was all about Polywork and I love that for us! https://dev.to/freedomwriter/i-m-excited-about-polywork-here-s-why-30d0
If you're not familiar with Diverisfy Tech (@DiversifyTechCo on Twitter) and the work Veni Kunche is doing there, please change that! Veni is working tirelessly on the "pipeline problem" we hear so...
Speaking with Michaela on Software Engineering Unlocked was an absolute pleasure and my first podcast appearance! https://www.software-engineering-unlocked.com/from-bootcamp-to-dev-role/
Imagine my shock at finding I'd been selected as one of the "200 Black Women In Tech To Follow on Twitter" https://hackernoon.com/200-black-women-in-tech-to-follow-on-twitter-2020-list-1uck31a9
Coming from a world of retailers and not knowing any developers, I created a Twitter account with the intention of learning out loud and building connections. Notice not a single like on this tweet...
Leaving a career in which I'd already established myself as a highly skilled leader to join a bootcamp and try to break into tech was a risk. I worked incredibly hard and when that hard work paid o...
Before coming to tech, I spent 12 (I obviously didn't do the math before I sent this Tweet 😅) years in retail. I obtained so many invaluable skills such as relationship building, prioritization, ad...
After 18 months of incredibly hard work, I finished my bootcamp program and received my endorsement badge for Full Stack Web Development. https://www.credly.com/badges/86b54aa9-bd8b-4cc2-8ff5-c0fb1...
The first industry event I attended was The JuneteenthConf (@juneteenthconf on Twitter). It was exciting enough to attend the event, but I was also interviewed for the lightning round! You'll find ...